The Back River Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant (BRWWTP) is a vital facility for an estimated 1.3 million residents in a 140 square mile area of Baltimore City and County. Roughly, 180 million gallons of wastewater are treated per day (MGD) utilizing fine bubble, air distributed, activated sludge, enhance nutrient removal and more. We take pride in our long relationship with the Back River facility and also our consistent success rate amongst various projects completed.
CCJM is proud to be an integral member of the large Sanitary Contract 927 (SC 927) at the BRWWTP providing facility-wide electrical and constructional improvements.
The plant occupies a 466-acre site and has a 35-foot elevation difference from influent to outfall, allowing wastewater to flow through the plant entirely by gravity. Construction is performed while maintaining the 24-hour, year-round plant operation.
Construction Cost: $4,200,000