C.C. Johnson & Malhotra, P.C. (CCJM) is providing preliminary and final engineering design for this 5-year open-ended contract. This agreement includes services for highway, bicycle, and pedestrian improvement projects, highway geometric design; bicycle and pedestrian facility design; hydrology and hydraulics (including stormwater management, sediment and erosion control, and stream relocation design); utility design; urban streetscape and landscape design; preparation of environmental permits; support for public involvement and outreach efforts; data collection; utility designation; coordination with different divisions within MDOT SHA; and engineering reviews of the shop and working drawings.
Under this agreement, we designed the MD 32 (Patuxent Parkway) – Safety and Pavement Resurfacing Improvements Project. MD 32 is an Urban Freeway Expressway on the National Highway System throughout the limits of the proposed improvements. The scope of projects consists of milling and resurfacing MD 32 to a specified depth (1.5”) to remove deteriorated surface layer; replacement of deficient traffic barrier W beam and End Treatments; Cleaning existing storm drain pipes and structures; Maintenance of Traffic (MOT); Erosion and Sediment Control (E&SC); Temporary/Permanent Pavement Markings; and putting together Contract Document (Plan, Specs, and Estimates).
Agreement Amount: $2,000,000