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WSSC Broad Creek Wastewater Pumping Station

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission

C.C. Johnson & Malhotra, P.C. (CCJMcontributed to an extensive upgrade of the Broad Creek sanitary system designed to avoid sanitary sewer overflows at the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) Broad Creek Wastewater Pumping Station. The project included evaluations, modifications, and upgrades of the following elements:

  • Broad Creek Wastewater Pump Station (WWPS); including wet well, pipe suction header(s), force main discharge header(s), and controls.
  • 36-inch Broad Creek force main from the WWPS to the junction with the Swan Creek force main and the 42-inch joint Broad Creek WWPS and Swan Creek WWPS force main that discharges to a 54-inch gravity sewer.
  • 54-inch gravity sewer downstream from the Broad Creek (State Highway 210) and Swan Creek force main that parallels the Indian Head Highway.
  • 36-inch pressure sewer that delivers the flows pumped by the Broad Creek WWPS to the Piscataway Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) headworks.
  • Analyze the existing and future capacity (including emergency storage during wet weather events of the Piscataway WWTP) and the ability of the plant to handle future peak flows without experiencing overflows or process disruptions.

Construction Cost: $6,000,000

Broad Creek project display

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